Carriers Of Greatness

    From our current constitution to our culture, a lot has evolved in our modern-day perception about women. Back in the day especially in our African culture, misogyny among women was callous, disparaging and uncouth. Women did not have a voice, they were only deemed as home makers who never had rights to led in the society, attain formal education, preach t...
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Sweet Things in Dead Things

It was a normal weekday morning,had my morning devotion, prepared myself for work and within no time, I was out of my house, donning a blue skirt suit, paired it with black doll shoes and tagged along one of my favorite pink handbag. I walked scurry towards the bus terminus with slew of people in tow, including students who were rushing to catch the moving bus, considering th...
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What is your cause towards that alliance?

After having dinner, I prepared myself for evening preps and within few minutes, the bell rang for all students to be in class. Evening preps were not my thingy while in boarding school, I was more of a morning student. While I settled in my desk, I noticed the teacher on duty doing what he did best, reprimanding students who were late for evening classes and pheew, I was not...
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Distinct Contentment

Being content with your current season is very vital in your spiritual growth and enjoying your life as a born-again believer. I’ll be authentic on my journey of embracing contentment, to help anyone struggling with discontentment. I recall vividly, how at some point in my life I was not content with the fact I was single. Whenever anyone would ask me, where is my spouse or w...
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Reflecting of where God got me from!!!Am full of praise and words just fail me. Am a product of God’s Grace totally grateful to Him for preserving and walking with me till this far,despite of my imperfections and weaknesses. It’s been an amazing journey, allowing God to script down the scripts of my life and its my uttermost desire, as I open a new chapter in my life ,H...
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Rare Gems

There is no greater joy like having someone who can correct you with love and be real with you at the same time,such people are rare gems. Nobody is perfect and in one way or another, we do make mistakes in life that we need to be called back to order. As much as they are rare gems, not everybody can fit in these shoes in your life. I know some people have faced criticism; th...
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Bad Boy Syndrome.

Ladies, ladies, ladies I had to pen down this topic because most of us have witnessed or encountered a bad boy in our lives or had a girlfriend who was in a dysfunctional relationship with a bad boy. Truth be told, be it in school or in your office where you work , there is always a guy who seems to have a magnet that ladies are attracted to. Let’s be real here, He is handsom...
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Let Him Find You.

Trusting God for a spouse as a single lady is pretty much interesting, you don’t go looking out for a spouse that’s purely the work of the man, who will take the lead in your life. People will suggest all they want that a lady can chase a man but from the report, I have from my brothers!!! That’s a total turn off. You might catch His attention for a seas...
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Simple Rules Still Apply To Be A Lady

Do you know to be a real lady, is much of carrying yourself with dignity, which also empowers a man to be a gentleman. It does not matter where you come from; being a lady comes with a price tag on it. Many of us want a true gentleman, but I believe we hold the power to the way we are treated in our hands: If you want a gentleman, you must act like a lady. Simple Manners tha...
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