Carriers Of Greatness

    From our current constitution to our culture, a lot has evolved in our modern-day perception about women. Back in the day especially in our African culture, misogyny among women was callous, disparaging and uncouth. Women did not have a voice, they were only deemed as home makers who never had rights to led in the society, attain formal education, preach t...
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Be Sensitive To God’s Move

Listening to one of Dr. Mensa Otabil’s sermon, he diverted a little bit to illustrate how as a teen he hated French as a subject, disliked the French teacher and not taking any interest whatsoever, in the subject no matter how miserably he failed. Little did he know, years later French would be an important language in his assignment, as a Pastor who travels all over the worl...
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Provision In The Wilderness

In seasons of uncertainty when we are not sure of a desired outcome, we end up asking God questions. Questions that might be fueled from a place of what we are currently facing in life or what to do next, when clarity is required. Children tend to ask their Parents questions if they don’t understand something, students always ask their teachers questions where they d...
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