You Have To Grow.

Happy New Month to all my Blog readers, it’s always such a joy to script down what God instructs me to write, so that lives can be changed all over the world. On this post, I will divulge on Spiritual growth and it’s my prayer, you will learn and embrace growth. It’s completely absurd to see a five year old child being breastfed. When a child is a born, all mums follow the d...
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Approaching The Throne.

Children are such a blessing from God, I mean I just love kids. They portray such amazing confidence when approaching their parents, before encountering hurdles later in life. Almost all kids from five years of age and below, know for sure their parents can provide anything in this world. Most of them have no rough idea what lack is, they don’t know the value of money and...
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Stop Hating And Celebrate Others.

The world has over seven billion people and all of us have different needs, personalities, talents, unique ideas, and our seasons are completely different. We might share birthdays with some people around the globe but that does not mean we will have the same outcome in life. It’s heart breaking, when people try to ensnare and pull others’ down, owing to the fact that, thi...
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Looking for Love.

For the past few days, I have noticed its money minting season for businesses that deal with hospitality and gifts shops. Most companies are advertising with an assurance of amazing deals, if couples spend their money,during this season. Advertisements on social media, newspapers to your own television, they are busy showcasing how people can enjoy exquisite dinners, to trave...
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Get Ready!!!

Preparation is key, for any farmer who desires a bumper harvest. They plan the field’s way ahead before the onset of rains. They do so with a full assurance, there will be rains and the rains will facilitate a bumper harvest. I have never heard a farmer who awaits a bumper harvest, when he has not prepared his field. They put in place all the required procedures from plowing ...
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