Representing Christ.

. Recently I was listening to a radio talk show and they were actually debating, if people should separate their profession from their faith. It was such an interesting discussion, where people had to call in and give their views, which were as per their convictions. Some said as Christians, we should separate our profession from our faith, while others said, we should not...
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Don’t Limit God’s Flow.

God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things, to fulfill His purpose here on earth. Most people who have made inventions and improved the technology today, they were or they are simply fulfilling prophecy. Today, people who have come up with such innovations, have created opportunities in diverse ways and  enhanced ease of spreading the gospel in one way or an...
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Power of Suggestion.

. Why won’t you try dating that guy, he seems good to me? Why don’t you try out that business, it seems people are thriving? Why won’t you try that career path, it seems there are good job offers in the market? The list is endless on many occasions, where people gave us suggestions to try out ideas, things, and relationships but in real sense they seemed good ideas b...
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Stay away from Divination; – Rely On God To Reveal Your Road Map.

. While i was a teen in High school, there were many instances that I actually believed in Horoscopes. Most newspapers have columns, where there are horoscopes foretelling your future. This belief was incorporated from my friends, who used to read their months Horoscopes and due to the excitement that came with it, I simply followed the trend. This became a habit and on a da...
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Am Too Busy.

. Wow! What an amazing Daughters of Zion conference we had two weeks ago. I mean this was one of  the best conventions ever. Great speakers, amazing worship & praise sessions, profound sermons and wonderful people,  who were thirsty and desperate, to have an encounter with God. I had an amazing personal encounter with my heavenly father, an exp...
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Get late catch a bus!!!

. Most of us have fond memories of our childhood experiences, which form a part of who we are today. At a very young age my extended family used to have a culture, whereby we would travel upcountry to visit our grandparents more often. During these trips, one of my favorite Uncles used to drive us and Him being the driver , we had to be on time or else we would hav...
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Whose Need Is Greater???

. What are your desires? Why are you doing what you are doing? Who is busy influencing you to do what you do? Great questions! Nobody does anything just for the sake of doing it, everybody has a reason to do what he/she does .God in His manifold wisdom created us with an interesting aspect,He is interested with  ‘the nature of our heart’ when we do whatever we do, on ...
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Unveiled Truth

. Have you ever been a spectator??? Not in a bad way but out of genuine exposure. Let me make it simple to elaborate my point.Maybe you traveled to a different city and what you saw, was totally new and you were a spectator, at everything that was happening in that place!!! I believe most of us, have had a scenario where we were spectators but trust ...
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