Take A Rest.

Working hard and smart is great but taking some time to rest and rejuvenate your body, is very important to be effective in your career, purpose, business or assignment. From the above context, we realize Jesus personally advised His disciples, to follow Him to a quiet place, where they would have some rest, away from the crowd. He knew very well, if His disciples did no...
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Strategies the Enemy Uses to Stop You.

  Happy Friday Beautiful people, i believe any believer in the body of Christ, desires to accomplish his/her assignment here on Earth right. However, in our walk of fulling assignment, we are faced by different challenges which seem to derail or stop us In my recent study and research on how to stay focused in our journey, i came across a profound article by Apostle G...
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When Your Greatness Attracts Enemies.

God has promised to bless us in many ways but my question to you on this particular blog post is, are you ready to handle enemies who will be attracted by your greatness? I know most people reading this post; have encountered people who will hate you,they will malign you, they will try to pull you down or they will falsely accuse you. If you are going to make an impact o...
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Don’t miss out on your season.

To wait on the Lord does not mean to sit down and do nothing When we are experiencing a rainy season In Nairobi, God is not partial to say the rain will only be experienced by certain people ,no, no, no the rich, the poor, the well prepared and the ill prepared will experience the rain. I came to realize, during the rainy season, there are a category of people who will always...
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Be a good steward of your influence.

While studying about stewardship, I came across an interesting article by Rick Warren and thought of sharing it, as I found it very insightful. Do you know everything you have is a gift from God? From your health, your life, your salvation, your freedom, your friends, your family, your opportunities to your career God expects you to make the most of the things He gives you wh...
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Take A Self Audit.

Hallo Lovelies, Happy new month!!!October being the 10th month, which is the month of manifestation may you manifest what God has been depositing in you. Working in an audit firm there are tons of stuff I have learn’t along the way .I have come to realize  some accountants don’t like auditors at all. They dread being asked questions where there is need of accounta...
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Don’t Give Him A Chance.

If you thought all along the enemy does not know you exist, he is not aware of who you are, what you carry within you or the power that resides within you then you probably need to wake up from slumber land and smell the coffee. He knows very well you exist, he is fully aware God created you with an agenda in mind, he knows you have a purpose to fulfill and he is 101% sure...
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Microwave Results.

How fast do you want that job, title, promotion, car, house, marriage or how long do you want it to last?? Is it for a life time or do you want it because you want it now!!! The current generation we are in today, most people want fast results, nobody is willing to go through process, they think it’s a waste of time, energy and resources.I’ll focus on the impor...
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Know God For You.

I don’t feel like praying, am really struggling with this habit, I don’t feel like reading the Bible, I just don’t understand it, .i messed up Big time I don’t think God has airtime to listen to people like me. i have heard these kind of sentiments too many times, of people really struggling to cultivate a close relationship with God due to what they have done, what the...
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