Welcome Beautiful February

Happy new month Beautiful people, I know most of us have an expectation from God doing great and mighty things, during this season of restoration of all things but:- 1.What is your attitude as you wait on God to restore your finances, your marriage, your health, your children, your career or whatever it is that is not in alignment? Are you complaining, are you bitte...
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An Experience With God

I believe most ladies can attest, they are very particular with hairdressers. Having an experience with a good hairdresser, who knows how to execute your hair perfectly, gives you great advice on styles which suit you well and creates a super atmosphere in her salon, as a woman, you will end up being a loyal client. Personally, I had tried different hairdressers before b...
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Ten Years In One

Good morning beautiful people, for the better part of last week and this week, social media has been booming with hashtag, 10 years challenge. I was so impressed with how people have changed over time and it’s always good, to reflect on our memory lane and see where God has brought us from. For most of us, viewed it as a challenge but are you fully aware, God is no...
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Are You Chocking God’s Blessings?

Being authentic about my journey of Faith, is one way of painting a clear picture of the grace of God to deliver and restore.Some years back, I would question myself why so and so was being elevated from one level to another, while I was just getting along with life. But one day which was just a normal day while in prayer, God provoked me and told me, I was struggling with e...
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Don’t Loose the power of your testimony

What happens when a currency loses its value in the market??Inflation is inevitable. Most of us are aware of the occurrences that transpired, when Zimbabwe currency did not have much value. People would carry huge chunks of cash to buy basic commodities and when worse came to worse, most traders rejected the currency and opted to trade with the US Dollar. Most foreig...
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There Is An Afterward

Happy new year beautiful people, I give God all the glory for this amazing year, which I believe shall be our year of restoration of all things and God Himself, shall beatify our lives beyond our wildest imaginations. Looking forward for a beautiful year ahead filled with testimonies of God’s faithfulness, growth, divine encounters and I wholeheartedly trust God, to led me th...
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