. Recently i had a one on one chat with my Big sister,who is such an amazing woman of God.Pouring out my heart to her on some issues i was going through, was such a relief .I thank God for using her to unmask some stuff, i had tried to over look in my walk with God. For each and every issue we are struggling with in life,God always has a word.God’s counsel mig...
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Month: January 2017
Numbers 23:19 Covenant Making And Covenant Keeping God
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that He should lie,Nor a son of man, that He should repent.Has He said, and will He not do?Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
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Behind the scenes
. Get ready and start!!!! This happens in all media studios. There are people who are always working behind the camera to give us the content we are always watching on our tv screens. Truth be told , we hardly know the production crew, all we get to see are the presenters, actors or actresses. From time to time, I have watched content which is well done...
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Speak Life.
It’s been three years, some it’s five years, others it’s past ten years and there is a particular situation in your life, which seems not to improve. You have tried your best to improve that situation on your own . People have branded you names, since nothing seems to improve in that area. It can be a barren situation in your finances, your career, your business, your marr...
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Psalms 100:4 The Power of Praise
Psalms 100:4
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,And into His courts with praise.Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
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Stop Wrecking Your Own Relationships.
.God never created anyone to be an island; He created us to be relational. While growing up everyone can attest, we have had people come into our lives for a particular season and left but there are few, who we can easily pick from a crowd, that have stuck with us through thick and thin. Jesus Himself was very relational, He had 12 disciples that He ministered to ...
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Allow God To Fight Your Battles
I simply love reading the book of Esther; it has amazing revelations of how God works through people. Coming to think of it, the bible only mentions specific people but during the time it was being written, there were thousands of other people who lived at that particular time who never featured in any context. People, who wrote God’s word which is the sword of the Spirit, we...
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Isaiah 1:19 Obedience Unlocks Understanding
Isaiah 1:19
If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;
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It’s Never About The Crowd.
Who is preaching this coming Sunday??Who is leading prayers this coming Thursday and who is leading bible study this evening??? Some of us will give answers depending on whether we will make it, others depending on who will be leading this or that while others will respond depending on who will be accompanying them to church. The list can go on and on, to illustrate ho...
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I Will Not Negotiate.
Happy New Year to all my blog readers!!!Am so grateful to God to usher 2017 in Him being the center of every detail in my life,hope that’s your testimony to.It’s my prayer as i script down posts touching different topics in regards to God’s word and real life issues,He will minister to you in a special way that He alone can.This is my first 2017 blog post...
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