. Exams! Exams! Exams let’s be real most people don’t like the idea of sitting for an exam. People grapple with anxiety few hours to a final exam, some have headaches , eating disorders, and others its stomach upsets. People who go through the phase of anxiety and tension it’s due to:- They are not sure of themselves.
They have no rou...
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Reality Check
<p>Reality Check</p>
Unidentified Enemy on the Prowl.
Some few weeks ago there was such a sad story making rounds on media of how Kenyan youth have lost direction. An event dubbed PROJECT X stole the attention of most parents and definitely Christians because they hardly knew such events did exist. Most parents had no rough idea of whether their children were being involved in attending suc...
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What next!!! After identifying Unhealthy Relationships.
On my previous post “A Must Read ”i wrote about identifying unhealthy relationships. This post is sensitizing on how to cut off unhealthy relationships and how to move on without burning relational bridges.
You must identify and accept the reality of an out-of-balance relationshi...
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While studying about different personalities people have , I came across an interesting article from my local teen’s church department and thought of sharing it , as I found it very insightful. God created us in such an amazing way and all of us have unique personalities...
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How To Deal With Offense
Everyone must have had an experience that you were hurt or accused falsely that caused you to walk in offense. Be it misunderstandings at your work place, at home with your family, at church with other brethren or in your neighborhood.It’s unfortunate some people are left in a state of cultivating a heart of offense. We also offend people consci...
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Manipulation Bug
It’s interesting how life offers us opportunities to be good or bad towards other people. Whether people act right or wrong towards us, it’s our choice to know how to handle them. Since time in memorial, nobody liked the idea of being deceived, everybody hopes and desires to meet genuine people in life.But before we expect good...
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Walk Away.
I know most of us have been in situations, where you have been tempted to do what is not right and yes we know it ain’t right. In our journey of faith, nobody is perfect. On a daily basis we are tempted to think, talk and watch what is not right. On a personal level i might be minding my own business, until something pops up in my mind that ain’t godly a...
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Don’t pack your life at the Bus Stop.
We have so many opportunities presented to us on a daily basis either positive or negative, but how we respond to them determines the outcome of our lives. Most of us, expect opportunities to present themselves the way we have heard from other people experiences, truth be told that hardly happens. I believe, we h...
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Your Territory Your Choice
. Turning 22 was such a great feeling, i had a strong urge within me to move out of my parents’ house. I was looking forward to be independent and do things my own way, within my own rules. Little did i know! The world had a package of Friends to offer and it was my choice, to welcome the people that came along my territory or not. How far t...
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