When It Makes No Sense.

Yesterday I happened to receive a whatsapp message from different people, which had similar content. Most of these similar messages that circulate as forwards, I rarely read them, as they have one common denominator, if you forward to 10 or 20 people you will receive a miracle or God will do something for you. From my point of view, I find them manipulative hence I rarely pay...
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Microwave Results.

How fast do you want that job, title, promotion, car, house, marriage or how long do you want it to last?? Is it for a life time or do you want it because you want it now!!! The current generation we are in today, most people want fast results, nobody is willing to go through process, they think it’s a waste of time, energy and resources.I’ll focus on the impor...
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Jeremiah 17:10 Heart Check.

You can pretend to men  to win their approval,you can cheat your way through to get what you want ,you can falsely accuse an innocent person to have your way BUT when it comes to God!!!He will treat you as you are in your heart not who you pretend to be on the outside. Jeremiah  17:10 I, the Lord, search the heart,I test the mind, Even to give every man according to...
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Hello Beautiful Queens, Fashion has a tendency of evolving with time and being able to dress classy and fashionable is vitally important for any lady. Most people believe church girls have a boring taste of fashion which is limited to one way , which ought not be the case. To all beautiful Queens out there, you can slay good, love God and serve Him at the same time...
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Guidelines To A Happy Marriage

Marriage is an institution authored by God Himself and He desires us to have full knowledge on how to enjoy it through His word.For those who are married and those who desire to get married in the near future, i will share simple Biblical guidelines on how to have a happy marriage God’s way. It’s my prayer for those who are yet to walk down the aisle, t...
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Only One Word.

Before any law is enforced to be a law, it has to be tabled in parliament and later on presented to the president who either signs it into law or rejects it. The powers endorsed to a president leading a particular country are very critical, depending on which kind of leader the citizens elect in that powerful office.. Only one signature from the presiden...
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