Looking at a tender advertisement, the person seeking to get your services or products, will always list down what they require from you, if they are to get your services or products. You don’t just give them what you think is right for them but you offer them what they ask for, which ought to be of good quality. If you dare supply products they did not ask for,no matter how good they are, they will reject your products and fail to pay you since you are not offering what they asked for.
Using the above simple illustration, are you seeking your will first, endorsing it and later on asking God, whether it’s a good move you are taking??Let me exemplify it, using real life issues to bring my point home. Are you launching into that business ,because everybody around you is doing it?? Are you getting married because everybody in your friends circle is quitting the singles club??Are you relocating to a certain country/city because most people are relocating?? Are you moving out from your Church because so and so is moving out or are you pursuing a career because everybody else is pursuing that career??
Let’s look at John 4:34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. In this particular text, Jesus was responding to His disciples, in regards to what was motivating Him do, what He did daily. His motivation came from doing the will of The Father. He never healed the sick,cast out demons, fed the hungry or taught in synagogues because that’s what He felt like doing, He did what God required of Him to do.
As much as Jesus went on doing good wherever He went Acts 10:38 And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.He also faced criticism, false accusations, rejection and betrayal due to His desire and passion, of finishing strong what God had commissioned Him to do.
Doing the will of God was not an easy task for Jesus but hallo!!!It was the best way to live His life. Ephesians 1:20-22 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.and He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,
You might be in a place of pressure – Transition Attracts Pressure-, where you are expected to perform or let me say deliver, where making a decision is inevitable, however one thing I know for sure is, you can either choose to enquire from God and step out in faith and do what He tells to do or you can still make a choice based on what seems pleasing to the flesh or what will please people and miss out on what God wants you to do which will please Him.
Whenever we choose the things of the flesh over the Spirit, whatever we produce is going to be paralyzed along the way.For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life Galatians 6:8
Whenever we choose the things of the flesh over the Spirit, whatever we produce is going to be paralyzed along the way.For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life Galatians 6:8
God did not create us to depend on our own might which is limited; He created us to depend on Him 101% because He is unlimited in might and power-Power of Submission-. He created us to rely on His instructions, from a place of inquiring Him what we ought to do. God is very clear in Psalms 37:23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly.He delights in every detail of their lives. As long as we are in God’s will, He will always direct any decisions we make in life.
When we learn to always ask God on what He wants us to do, that becomes an act of total humility, trust, surrender and spiritual maturity to any believer. We are fully convicted that God will direct us to where He wants us to go and do what He wants us to do
When we learn to always ask God on what He wants us to do, that becomes an act of total humility, trust, surrender and spiritual maturity to any believer. We are fully convicted that God will direct us to where He wants us to go and do what He wants us to do
Please hear me out beloved, God will never fund confusion, disobedience or ignorance because He gives power to purpose. Let that business you want to launch, be from a place of purpose, get married because of purpose, pursue that career from a place of purpose, register that non-profit organization from a place of purpose, be planted in that church because of purpose and relocate to a different country because of purpose. Whatever you do, wherever you go or the relationships you have, let them be founded from a place of purpose.
Stop invoicing God, for what He never told you to do.
Stop invoicing God, for what He never told you to do.
God never created us just to happen, He created us to walk in dominion, power and authority. But how will we discover what we have, if we don’t ask Him what He wants us to do??If Jesus manifested God’s glory and might from a place of purpose!!!Then why are we rushing into making decisions and excluding God in those decisions?? Yes, it might not be a smooth journey doing God’s will but it’s worth every breath we take, just to be in His will.
On this particular post, I challenge you my blog reader, divorce your own will and your ways and get married into God’s will and way, by simply relying on His instructions. I know someone might ask, how on Earth will I know God’s next instruction, when I ask Him what to do??Out of His loving nature, God will give you a desire, an idea, a burden, a passion, a dream or a vision, which will be accompanied by peace and conviction that this is what God wants you to do. I have blogged about Knowing God’s voice here.
It’s easy to follow your will because it seems easy to comply with at the moment however at the end of it all, Gods will is the best will for you. God’s instructions will always be accompanied with inner peace and conviction, even though some might appear hard in your own humanly understanding.
God will not give you the next instruction and fail to reveal to you, how to maneuver??He is so faithful to give you the right keys which will open doors for you,He will provide for what He asks you to do and still connect you with the right people, who will help you in doing what He has commissioned you to do.
God’s Will Vs Your Own Will:-
Following God’s will requires obedience while following your own will,obedience is not a must.
Following God’s will requires patience for God to perfect that which concerns you, while following your own will,you can use shortcuts to get what you want.
Following God’s will, requires integrity while following your own will, you can compromise to get what you want.
Following God’s will has great rewards while following your own will, your plans will be paralyzed along the way.
Following God’s will, requires you to trust Him totally, while following your own will,you will trust in people,money or power to accomplish what you need.
Following God’s will,gives you a guarantee of a bright future while following your own will,a bright future is not guaranteed.
Following God’s will, protects you from making wrong choices in life,while following your own will,making wrong choices is inevitable.
To crown it all, to be submitted to God’s will, we have a blank cheque anointing to walk in over flow, favor, blessings, positive influence, impact, dominion, authority and power
To crown it all, to be submitted to God’s will, we have a blank cheque anointing to walk in over flow, favor, blessings, positive influence, impact, dominion, authority and power
Love ReinaBeaty.
God bless you.