You got angry in church and stopped the choir membership, left ushering, stopped sanctuary cleaning and every other work you were doing in church. Eventually you’ve stopped attending church because someone spoke to you in a way you didn’t like…Most of the messages from the pulpit were against you from your opinion…Nobody called you when you were sick because according to you they did not love or care in the church…
But looking on the flip side of life:-
1.You’ve not stopped working for the boss who insults you most of the time, neither have you stopped work because your colleagues spoke ill of you… (Money was the reason)
2.When you were sick, you didn’t wait for your boss to call you or look for you at work. Rather, you called and told him about your present condition. No complaint about him not visiting you (Fear of query or loss of the job)
3.Do you remember that at school, your teachers, your schoolmates or even your best friends offended you, yet you didn’t stop schooling? You reported to school every day without fail
4.You can easily miss Church but not lectures!!! The lecturer will take attendance which counts in assessment.
5.You can be late with your appointment with God at Church and have endless list of excuses but you will be extra early for your visa interview at the embassy…
6.Who is fooling who? At the end of it all we can’t deceive God.
Am not in any position to judge anyone but Maybe you don’t know or you don’t have adequate revelation about serving God or having fellowship with other brethren.
Please, Hear Me Out! Church is not an “Offense or a clique Club” where all things must be done to please you and you alone.I have blogged about looking for perfect church here.
Please, Hear Me Out! Church is not an “Offense or a clique Club” where all things must be done to please you and you alone.I have blogged about looking for perfect church here.
What have you done in church for the good of others?Serve God with a clear cut revelation it’s about Him, Let it be with reverential fear, love, honor and respect you have towards God and not who said this or that.Change your attitude!!!
Lot’s of Love Reina……..