Kariobangi Out-reach

Am totally grateful to God for making Kariobangi Out-reach a success. We had an amazing time bonding with the girls in this area and sharing the love of Christ with them. For those who partnered with us in making these outreach a success!!! May the almighty God continue blessing you, for believing in this vision and allowing Him to use you for this noble course.
For volunteers who gave their best to make this outreach a success for God’s glory, only God can reward you in amazing ways beyond your wildest imaginations. You are priceless and i appreciate you.
As the Lord leads you on how to partner with us in our outreach program, lets us know how you would like to stand with Beautiful Queens Out-reach by sending us an e-mail to reinabeaty@gmail.com.

We kindly request for partnerships in:

Baby Diapers

Gallery For Kariobangi Out-reach:-






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Thank You and God bless !!!

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