The Authority You Carry

Do you know in order for the devil to control this world he must first intimidate people into a conformity and submission to his own agenda? Satan cannot rule the minds of those he does not first intimidate! But one thing I think he keeps on forgetting is Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. As believers in the Body of Christ who are blood-bought and Holy Spirit empowered, we have to declare and boldly proclaim “We will not be intimidated!”
We speak it into the cosmos, we speak it into the heavens, we speak it into the unseen spirit-realm that “We will not be intimidated!” Why? Because Jesus has made us a promise:-
John 14:27 – “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
Let me explain a little bit what is Peace, it is freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, intimidation or obsession. To be in a state of tranquility and serenity of mind. My beloved have this in mind, there is a spirit let loose in the world right now that seeks to imprison the minds of God’s people. It seeks to rob us of our peace, our faith, our initiative, and our boldness of spirit.
You have to see what is behind what is trying to oppress you, frustrate you and intimidate you, Satan fears you! He fears the power of your faith in God and the conquest that God is giving you to possess in your place of assignment, influence, city, and nation. He fears the initiative of God in YOU! Yes You!
And so, he has let loose the spirit of intimidation, which he must first establish in order to impose a spirit of manipulation and control. Your spirit, your heart, cannot be manipulated and controlled unless you have first been intimidated. But Jesus has powerfully declared that we are not subject to that spirit.
John 8:36-Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.
Spiritual freedom is part of your inheritance as a believer.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
The spirit of darkness speaks intimidation to you. But Jesus declares freedom to your spirit, to your heart, and to your mind! Tragically, many Christians today are being affected in both the decisions that they are currently making and the vision that they are embracing for their future… the faith initiatives of tomorrow! Satan’s goal is to shut down your faith initiatives, your spirit of conquest, and the taking of new territory. But he must not succeed because of your increased knowledge of Jesus Christ.

The Grace of God increases in our lives based on our increased knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Let me give you some words that help identify that the spirit of intimidation is at work:-
  • But!
  • If?
  • Maybe?
The introduction of a question, “Has God really said?” Creates doubt and unbelief that acts as a catalyst of intimidation. This is the catch, when God is in what you are doing: –
  1. Do not be intimidated – in either your present decisions or your future vision.
  2. Realize that any shaking that God does allow, if correctly responded to, will always result in a greater spiritual authority than you have previously ever experienced. Hebrews 12:28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.
We need to be reminded of the incredible spiritual authority Jesus gave all those who are fully submitted to His own authority. The kingdom of God has always, and will always, operate on a very simple principle: “The authority you are under determines the authority you carry”.
Every demon in hell knows that:-
  • Circumstances do not determine your spiritual authority.
  • The opinions of others do not determine your spiritual authority.
  • The prevailing opposition against Biblical truth does not determine your spiritual authority.
The kingdom of God CANNOT be shaken. Regularity of meetings for Christian activities may be shaken, perceptions of how we do church in any given season maybe shaken… but the kingdom of God (the authority of Jesus to rule over) can never and will never be shaken. And if we so choose to walk in daily submission to the lordship of Christ, we also carry an indestructible and undeniable authority
The degree to which we carry that authority and exercise its effectiveness is now, and will always be, determined by the degree to which we are fully submitted to the lordship of Christ and the truth of His Word. It is pivotal for us to keep this ingrained in our hearts that the authority of the kingdom of God we carry, is eternal, omnipresent, global, and it has existed from before the beginning of time and will continue beyond time as we know it. It emanates from the throne of heaven and fills our hearts by the Holy Spirit. It cannot be shaken; it is the authority of God and it is the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ that we carry.

Today and always learn to arm yourself with God’s written Word and stand tall in the authority He has given you.

Love Reina Beaty.

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