Be delivered from the opinion of men

In my journey of salvation, I have come to realize, a heart after God, will always attract criticism. People will always have an opinion, good or bad, without any clear knowledge of who you really are and where God is taking you.
Some people will ask, why do you have to attend those prayer meetings??Why are you always attending the Bible study? Do you have to volunteer and serve in church??Why on Earth are you submitting to your Pastors?? Do you really have to give financially, tithe or sow seeds?? Being human, at times you might think, you are kinda overdoing it, when it comes to your pursuit for God but that should not be the case, if you are doing what you are doing from  A PLACE OF REST AND REVELATION.
Personally!!I have encountered people who ask me such questions, however whenever I get such questions, I always remind myself:-
1. Where God got me from.
2.It’s Jesus who died for me and not mere men, His approval is all that matters to me.
3. Where God is taking me {VISION}, needs my total surrender and submission to Him.
4. My walk with God is personal.
5. It’s God who has ignited His fire in me to desire more of Him and anything that revolves around His kingdom agenda.
6. I will stand accountable to God alone and not men.
7.God’s opinion is all that matters to me
Philippians 2:12-13 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. We are called to work out our own salvation with fear trembling and not from People’s Approvals.
Hunger for God will always cause you to swim in the deeper waters and not shallow waters like everybody other else, who likes comfortable places.Never allow the insecurities of other people, hinder you from worshiping God, pursuing God, serving God,fulfilling your purpose and giving,This walk is PERSONAL!!!

Someone’s else bondage, should never stop you in anyway, from enjoying your freedom in Christ and your pursuit for Him.

Love ReinaBeaty

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