Don’t get it Twisted.

All of us were created by God for greatness in accomplishing our assignments here on earth. The ability of getting into our place of fulfilling assignment, we need people who have gone ahead of us, in propelling us to get where we need to, for God’s glory. Reflecting on great Prophets and Apostles in the Bible they all had mentors, who cultivated there, time and energy in equipping them for Great works in continuation with God’s agenda.
We have the likes of Elijah Mentored Elisha, Jesus Mentored His Disciples, Paul Mentored Timothy, Moses Mentored Joshua and Mordecai Mentored Esther. These great Generals, in the Bible prepared those who were behind them for great exploits, which established God’s sovereignty here on earth during their time. Today I will focus on two interesting pairs between  Mordecai- Esther and Samuel –Saul. In the book of Esther 2 Mordecai being a Jew adopts his uncle’s daughter Esther, who was an orphan. After some few years, there was a decree by the King wanting to marry a virgin wife and Esther became one of the virgins gathered into the kings palace .Mordecai daily routine, was to sit at the Kings gate and he knew a lot about the affairs of that Kingdom. While Esther was in the palace being prepared to meet the King, Mordecai charged her never to reveal her identity, not being sure whether she would become queen. Finally Esther became queen and God placed her in that strategic position to save the Jews from annihilation by Haman’s evil agenda. On the other hand, God used Mordecai to push Queen Esther, to make a tough decision in saving the Jewish people. Despite of Esther being the queen and her Uncle status of sitting at the gate, she was willing to adhere to his instructions, she respected Him and valued Him as his Father and in the end God used her to save the Jewish people by exposing Haman’s plot.
In our second study we have Samuel and Saul in 1 Samuel 15 Saul being the first King of Israel, was instructed by Prophet Samuel to attack Amalek and utterly destroy everything .Saul attacked the city of Amalek but spared king Agag, the best of the sheep, oxen, lambs which disappointed God. Out of Saul’s disobedience, God rejected him as King and instructed Samuel, to anoint David. If Saul being a man with great power and authority had honored and valued Prophet Samuel, he would have obeyed the instructions given to him and the kingdom would not have been taken away from him and his Lineage. Queen Esther and King Saul both had great mentors, great leadership positions but there choices and attitudes resulted to complete different results.
To all my blog readers, to be great in the Kingdom of God,in  business ,career or any leadership position,you have to be willing to be mentored and be taught. Remember! there are people who have gone ahead of you and accomplished great stuff for God. One thing that makes me very sad, is when young people who are well gifted, don’t want to be under spiritual covering and they believe they can do all by themselves. That’s the lie from the devil, we must be willing, to be under spiritual covering because we will be protected, corrected in love, we will be prepared for the tasks ahead and also we will have people who we will be accountable to. Accountability it’s not a state of weakness but a sign of maturity and responsibility. When a young lady is single, she is always under the authority of her parents and when she gets married she is under the authority of her husband. Stop getting it twisted by thinking you can accomplish your God given assignment on your own.

1 Peter 5:5

Likewise you that are younger be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

Who is your Spiritual Covering (Mentor)???

  • Your protector and not an abuser

And how does She/He Help you???

  • Will lift you to your next level
  • Will Point you towards the right direction.
  • Will call you to go up higher and empowers you to get into higher height
  • Will help you to clarify your mission in life.
Forever Grateful to God for aligning my steps to my spiritual Authority Bishop Allan & Rev Kathy Kiuna.

Your spiritual covering or mentor can see very far while he/she is sitting down than when you are standing.

God Loves You And Desires The Best For You.
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