Manifest Your Gift

  Manifest your gift champion, God has equipped you for that, there is a desire, there is a longing, and yes, you have what it takes within you to manifest your gift.   Procrastination, fear, insecurity and pride, are waiting along a curvy and a wide path, but are you undecided to be enticed by them?   You have prayed, you have seen it, you have drea...
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The Power of Revelation

    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children Hosea 4:6 Changing the course of world history is our assignment as believers in the body of Christ today but the key to staying current with the shiftin...
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When God Puts A Song In Your Heart

Have you ever woken up in the morning and there is a new song in your Spirit that you can't get it off your mind? This has happened to me many times especially after waking up in the morning. Recently, i went to sleep and i will be real ,there was so much going on and i didn't have a rough idea on what to do. As usual i did my night devotion and prayed and allowed the who...
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The Mind Game

It has been said many times and I believe most who are reading this post we are aware, that the mind is a battle field the enemy is always looking for ways to attack .The mind game didn’t just start a century ago! Noooo…. It begun from the garden of Eden in Genesis 3:1-6 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to t...
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The Power of Being Stretched

    Are you aware a rubber band cannot be used in its original state? Certain pressure must be exerted on the rubber to attain it's maximum use. Using this simple illustration which is well known to all of us, it’s one way of letting you know in this life, there is a certain measure of pressure which we have to go through in life to help us maximize our potential....
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Victorious in Jesus Christ

There is no greater privilege in life than knowing Jesus. There is no greater advantage than the presence and power of the Holy Spirit within you. No matter where you come from, how you were raised, or what disadvantages life seemingly forced upon you, the Bible declares that you are victorious if you are in Christ. Romans 8:31- What then shall we say to these things? I...
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Sow Peace

“Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” James 3:18 (NIV)  The Bible never asks us to run from conflict (although we may feel like it), but to try to resolve conflict. We are not called to be peacekeepers, but peacemakers. There’s a big difference between those two terms. Peacekeepers might run from conflict or avoid conflict. Peacemakers face con...
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Why is it so important for Christian women to have and keep integrity?

Genuine Christian living, is simply emulating Jesus’ life style, which is having abundant life and true joy from our Savior, and not from the material things of this world. Growth and maturity in Christian living is actually a lot of de-cluttering and rearranging within our hearts and minds. Discovering God’s ways through His Word, opens our understanding to a much greate...
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Tasha Cobbs Leonard-Royalty. Fearfully, wonderfully Made in the image of Abba I am free completely Safe in the arms of my Father I am royalty I am who You called me I believe I am Yours Oh, yes, I am Fearfully, wonderfully Made in the image of Abba I am free completely Safe in the arms of my Father I am royalty I am who You called me I believe (I believe) I ...
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