Ways to Grow Spiritually



Happy New Year Wonderful people, I am optimistic this year 2022 shall be the best year where the light of Jesus Christ shall be revealed brighter in this dark world by all saints who will be willing to Arise and shine. So, to kick off this year, I will be sharing some seven ways on how to grow spiritually. As much as we desire to radiate the light of Jesus Christ through our lifestyle, we have to be willing to grow spiritually as a continuous journey in order to sustain a life that honors God.
Let’s look at what Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3:18, But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. The command in this verse is to keep on growing spiritually.
1) Make spiritual growth a commitment and priority. Like any discipline in your life, it begins with an intentional decision to grow spiritually. The most important thing you can do is to grow in your relationship with the Lord.
2) Be intentional to spend time with God. Set aside time each day to connect with God. Honestly, time demands for most of us naturally interfere with what we might otherwise consider not essential each day. Spending time with God is, in fact, essential for spiritual growth.
3) Live in the Word. If we want to know more about God, we will learn about Him in the Bible. We know more about the heart and mind of God as we study and focus on the Word He inspired. God inhabits the Word and provided the Bible to enable us to grow spiritually. Get a good Bible Plan Schedule that will discipline you in being consistent in studying the Word of God.
4) Pray in faith. If our prayers are not coupled with confidence that God will answer our prayers, we are not praying in faith. Prayer based on faith is regular (daily) prayer that includes celebration, worship and confession as well as petitioning God with our needs or the needs of others.
5) Be in consistent community with other believers in the body of Christ. Fellowship is an experience as well as a relationship. When we regularly meet with other believers in Christ, it encourages us to keep growing in our faith.  
6) Share your faith in Christ with others. Always be ready to tell everyone who asks you why you believe as you do 1 Peter 3:15. When I am ready and prepared to share my faith, it keeps me spiritually sharp.
7) Serve others. Serving is the overflow of the Christian life. Meeting the needs of others is the heart of the ministry Jesus modeled for us. Serving people with the love of Jesus conforms us to His image. Being conformed to his image is the essence of spiritual growth.

Love ReinaBeaty.

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