The Real Deal Will Always Outlast Any Counterfeit.

Can anyone bribe God to receive healing from a terminal illness, for a loved one who is addicted to drugs be delivered from an addiction or a barren woman to bare children? Absolutely Not. People who don’t fear God, who don’t trust God or who are familiar with the grace of God, can easily bribe their way to get the things of this world or have things done their way. They can bribe their way to a get a job, a promotion, a business tender or pervert justice for a case to be ruled in their favor but there is NO WAY , as the bride of Christ we can desire to operate in the supernatural here on Earth while one leg is busy operating in the systems of this world.
God is not a man to be bribed in exchange to what He freely gave us through His son Jesus Christ at the Cross? All He desires us to do is live by faith, obedience to His instructions and we will access each and every blessing He has already declared in Heaven and has our names on it. We are anointed to function in the principles of the kingdom of God which are integrity, obedience, discipline, faith, diligence and the wisdom of God.
The just shall live by faith Hebrews 10:38 and we shall overcome the devil by the blood of lamb and by word of our testimony Revelation 12:11 BUT NOWHERE is it written in Scripture, we shall live by manipulation, malice or corruption to obtain what Christ paid at the cross for us to enjoy here on Earth!
Let’s be intentional as the Bride of Christ to represent Jesus the way He desires to be represented in all that we do and I believe without a shadow of doubt, He will back us up. He will back us up in our careers, in our businesses, in our ministries, in our marriages, in our assignments and families. By faith the sick will get healed, by faith the barren will bear children, by faith we will walk in our ordained destinies and its through faith, will we ONLY EXPERIENCE THE SUPERNATURAL

The real deal will always outlast any counterfeit and God desires us to be the REAL DEAL.

Love ReinaBeaty.

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