Any beautiful, strong and unique building, show cases the power of imagination, creativity, boldness, hard work and patience, someone or a group of people had in mind, for it to be a reality Looking at a construction site, there is a lot going on which is from progress to progress, until the accomplishment of the building. Before the ground work begins, the owner of the project will sit down with his architect and lay down his vision, of how he desires the building to look like. The architect will take in his ideas and give him a clear picture, of how the building will look like after completion.
Using the above illustration, God had a plan, an agenda and a purpose for each and every one before we ever came into existence .He deposited everything we need, to accomplish our mission and assignments here on Earth but the truth of the matter is, we were not supposed to do that alone. God never created us to depend on our own thinking,our own abilities or our own plans.He created us to fully depend on Him so that we can accomplish our mission here on Earth, in line with His kingdom agenda and not our own agenda. Just like a person desiring to build a house, he cannot accomplish his dream, without involving professional services, from people who are well experienced in that field.
As children of the most high God, He desires to do great things through us but we have to allow the in dwelling of His Spirit to be at work in us. What do I mean; we have to allow the indwelling of His Spirit to be at work in us??We have to allow the Holy Spirit who is our helper, to reveal God’s blue print over our lives step by step as we fully depend on Him.Psalm 37:23-24 The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand. Not only will God direct you step by step but He takes delight in every detail of your life.Looking at a 24 storey building, it took step by step to lay down each and every floor. Despite of having all the required materials, the finances and the required workmanship to put it up, steps had to be followed.
The same applies to each and every human being, we all have everything within us to accomplish our purpose but we can’t fully live in our fullest potential, without our Helper the Holy Spirit. Someone might ask but there are endless people around the world, who do not know God yet they are doing great things?.I’ll be honest with you, they might be doing great things, they might be wealthy, they might have power and influence but Jesus asked in Matthew 16:26-27 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works
Jesus was very categorical in Matthew 16:26-27, What kind of talent, what kind of wealth, what kind of influence and power, will we benefit without Him??Psalm 37:1-3 Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers, they soon wither. Trust in the LORD and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper
In Him we are guaranteed to enjoy all that He has deposited within us and not only will we enjoy it but He will reward us. James 1:16-17 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
God has assigned everyone a purpose and an assignment which He shall reward, according to how we will work it out in Him and not out of Him. Please hear me out, God never created us, as experiments!!!We are products of His intentional divine project, with a predetermined purpose.

Take Note:-Our gifts and talents are God’s investments in our lives which ought to be manifested and enjoyed in Him.

On this post, i challenge each and every reader of my blog, to fully surrender your will, your power, your gifts and your desires to God. God does not do anything on a whim or without knowing the end result, He is intentional!!! Allow the indwelling of His Spirit to be at work in you, in revealing each and every step you ought to take, in order to fulfill your purpose here on Earth. Jesus gave us such a profound promise in John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.
If you are not born again, you will not fully enjoy your life and what God has deposited within you. Take this from me; there are no short cuts where God is concerned . The only way to discover and enjoy your fullest potential, as to why you exist is by first accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior. The indwelling of His Spirit will be effective in your, if and only, you accept His son Jesus Christ as your personal savior. To make this most important decision in your life, kindly click The Best Decision Ever

Trust me on this, there is no greater joy and peace, than enjoying your entire life, your career, your business, your talent, your assignment in ministry, your marriage and your family other than in Christ.


God Desires The Best For You👌🏾

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