Leave It Right There!!!

Are you busy tagging along your past ? Busy frustrating your spouse because of your past baggage? Busy blaming people who hurt you in the past and tagging along your past mess in your new relationships? So, what do I mean tagging along past baggage??Good question, tagging along past baggage is not doing away with what you struggled with in the past. Baggage can present itself in many forms from insecurities, low self-esteem, blame game to manipulation, Yes, God gave you another chance by you accepting Him as your personal savior, He went ahead gave you a good job, He went ahead and you got married after walking out of a dysfunctional relationship, He went ahead and blessed you with children even after having abortions in your past dysfunctional relationships yet despite of what He has done in your life, you still tag along your past baggage.
On this post, am on mission to minister to anyone, who has been busy tagging along past baggage yet Jesus gave you another chance to experience the new in Him. In John 4:1-42 We have a Samaritan woman whose life is totally changed after having an encounter with Jesus. Reading this particular scripture John 4:28-29 captured my attention The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone,come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah? In the previous verses of this chapter, the Samaritan woman is described as a woman who had relationships issues. She could not keep a man and the man she was living with, was not even her husband, In today’s day and age, people would brand her as a woman with loose morals.
Fast forward, the Samaritan woman had gone to the well to fetch water with her jar but after having a life transforming encounter with Jesus, she left her jar at the well. Why on Earth did she leave her jar at the well, which she had used all along to fetch water??Have you ever posed and asked yourself why she left the jar at the well? It’s simple; she left her past shame, her past mistakes, her past baggage at the feet of Jesus and got a new lease of life. She never tagged her past baggage into the new instead people got to know about Jesus and not only did they get to know about Him through the Samaritan woman, they believed Him as the Savior of the world.” John 4:42 Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard him ourselves. Now we know that he is indeed the Savior of the world.”

Listen!!!Jesus overcame that shame, that terrible past mistake you committed and yes He finished all that at the cross more than two thousand years ago.  So, you committing your life to Christ and tagging along your past baggage into the new, you are only limiting God’s power to be at work in you and through you. Just like the Samaritan woman who  left her baggage at the well, honey! Do the same and leave that past baggage at the feet of Jesus. Stop frustrating your innocent spouse, your children and  your colleagues in the office with endless issues of emotional turmoil, insecurities, gossip, manipulation and blame games just because you are busy tagging along your past baggage into the new. Take this from me, after having a life transforming encounter with Jesus, the Samaritan woman drew people to Jesus and nowhere in scripture is it indicated her tagging along her past shame,her mess or her mistakes into the new

Today, if you have been busy tagging along past insecurities, shame, jealousy, bad temper, bad habits like gossip, manipulation, being negatively critical about people consciously or subconsciously, it’s a high time to literally leave all that at the feet of Jesus and embrace the new. He will use your failures, mess and pain to orchestrate His grand plan for your life and turn it around for your good.

NB:-No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch tears away from the garment, and a worse tear is made. Matthew 9:16.Tagging along your past baggage, limits God power in your life and you end up not enjoying the benefits that Christ paid a prize for you at the cross.



 You All And Am 🙏🏿For You.

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