Facing opposition in pursuit of your God given dream and vision??Am penning down this post to encourage anyone who is going through opposition, be it in the market place, in your career path, in your community or in ministry. If you are doing what others are afraid to do, if you are impacting lives positively for Jesus, if you are going to live the life that Jesus paid a prize for you to have and if you are manifesting your gifts while others are not, opposition is inevitable.There is no vision without opposition if God’s hand is on it,it has to be tried and tested.
So what is opposition??resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument.Get this from me:- the enemy will not be having a vacation when you are busy depopulating His kingdom and impacting lives for Jesus. He will try to get you sidetracked, he will discourage you, he will ridicule you and once you give-in to his tactics, he’s got you where he wanted. How I pray this shall not be your story but you will press on to what God has called you out to do, through thick and thin.
It’s sad to say, many people who used to be so zealous for God and His kingdom agenda have given up on their assignment because of strong opposition they have encountered. One thing we all need to understand is, God does not remove the opposition even though it is His will, for us to grow strong in faith and to labor in advancing His kingdom.
Opposition will always drive you to greater dependence on God and to greater determination to do what He has called you to do.
Opposition will always drive you to greater dependence on God and to greater determination to do what He has called you to do.
If you yield to opposition, you will quit the race in discouragement or settle in for a mediocre Christian existence. In the book of Nehemiah, we have a great general in the bible who defied all odds, to do what God had instructed him to do. Nehemiah faced opposition from those who had a great deal to lose big time, if the Jews succeed in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. Nehemiah 4:1-3 But it so happened, when Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, that he was furious and very indignant, and mocked the Jews.and he spoke before his brethren and the army of Samaria, and said, “What are these feeble Jews doing? Will they fortify themselves? Will they offer sacrifices? Will they complete it in a day? Will they revive the stones from the heaps of rubbish—stones that are burned?” Now Tobiah the Ammonite was beside him, and he said, “Whatever they build, if even a fox goes up on it, he will break down their stone wall.”
From the above context we learn, whatever we do which is not ordinary and beneficial in impacting lives in a positive way, there are set of people who will always oppose it. If you are in an office set up and you stand on the truth, you are on the forefront spearheading projects when the rest of your colleagues are busy complaining how they need salary increment, trust me on this, you will face opposition. If in your community you are busy doing something positive to change the lively hood for people in your area, you will face opposition, Honey!!!Nothing is new under the sun and that includes opposition.
You sitting down and wallowing why people are opposing you, in your pursuit on God’s call over your life, you are missing out on the big picture.God never assigned you to follow your friends, to follow the crowd, to bank on people’s opinions as the gospel truth or the worldly system that tells you, you are not qualified to do this or that !!!You have to die from the accolades of men.
You sitting down and wallowing why people are opposing you, in your pursuit on God’s call over your life, you are missing out on the big picture.God never assigned you to follow your friends, to follow the crowd, to bank on people’s opinions as the gospel truth or the worldly system that tells you, you are not qualified to do this or that !!!You have to die from the accolades of men.
Follow Jesus, stay focused on him, He alone paid the prize for you at the cross, He alone called you and instructed you on what to do. You giving up on your call, you quitting on serving Him and His people because so and so said this or that; you are simply giving the devil a field day to celebrate your disobedience and discouragement.God never assigned you that assignment to please men but to fulfill His agenda here on Earth.
So how does opposition present itself??
1.You will face ridicule for your firm stand on God’s word and what He has assigned you to do.
2.Some people will just get angry at you, which will fuel opposition for what you are doing. They will not understand why it has to be you and not somebody else.
3.The enemy will use discouragement. While you are busy seeking after Christ and doing what He has assigned you to do but there are no immediate results, in one way or another you may grow weary, wondering if all your efforts are making any difference for the cause of Christ. Your weariness leads you to discouragement which leads to throwing off the towel on your assignment.
4.You will be rejected:-People who don’t agree or understand your standards will reject you.
5.Your opposers will use fear to paralyze and keep you from attempting anything significant for the Lord. .They will try to talk you out by reminding you of your past mistakes and where you are coming from as legit reasons why you can’t do it.If you are going to be successful, then you need to learn how to deal with the opposition you face.
So,how do we get along opposition and stay focused on our dreams and visions??
When faced with opposition most of us get offended, angry and we are tempted to hit back and defend ourselves. Our first response should always be prayer. Running to God should be our first response and not our last resort while facing opposition. Prayer reminds us that God is sovereign, even over those who are attacking us. Nothing gets Him by surprise
2.Be vigilant:-
After you have prayed, you have to be spiritually alert. To do that, you must “post a guard” on your heart. You need to always be diligent about doing the necessary things to guard your heart against offence, anger, discouragement and fear The enemy is not looking for a loop hole to use even a small crack is enough for him to drive his agenda.
3.Keep your focus on God:-
When opposition hits, it’s easy to get your focus off the Lord and onto your opposition. If you’re tempted to some sin, remember the devastating effects that it will have on your purpose, destiny and generations after you. Get to understand God’s stand on your situation and keep your mind focused on Him.
4.Keep on doing your thing:-
Don’t get distracted by the opposition that you forget your main purpose and focus on the work. The best thing to do when opposed is to pray, commit the whole thing to God, and then get back to your work. Anything that keeps you from doing what God has called you to do will only help the enemy big time.
5.Maintain a positive attitude:-
Nothing works tremendously, like having a positive in spite of opposition. When you understand this too shall pass and opposition is inevitable when you are doing something extra-ordinary, you walk in peace, joy and confidence in pursuit of your dream and vision. Nobody can stop a person with a positive attitude.
TAKE NOTE:- If you are going to live the life God had planned out for you, If you are going to walk in your blessings, breakthroughs, power, anointing, dominion and influence for God’s kingdom agenda, you will face opposition. For whatever God starts the enemy will always oppose. Attempting to defeat the enemy by wrestling with people who are opposing God’s call over your life, could be likened to trying to destroy a tree by picking all its fruit. Get along with it, keep on doing your thing, hold your ground, run on your own lane and keep your eyes focused on Jesus, who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
TAKE NOTE:- If you are going to live the life God had planned out for you, If you are going to walk in your blessings, breakthroughs, power, anointing, dominion and influence for God’s kingdom agenda, you will face opposition. For whatever God starts the enemy will always oppose. Attempting to defeat the enemy by wrestling with people who are opposing God’s call over your life, could be likened to trying to destroy a tree by picking all its fruit. Get along with it, keep on doing your thing, hold your ground, run on your own lane and keep your eyes focused on Jesus, who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Romans 8:15-17
So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.
You All And Am For You