There was a particular season in my life, I used the train as my form of transport to get to work.The reason why I opted to use the train, was due to the place i used to work and also evade traffic. It was such an interesting experience because I came to learn something very, very interesting on how trains operate. There used to be two shifts in the morning and two in the evening, where the train would collect people at different stations and drop them off to their destinations. The train was always on the move, so if people were to alight at a designated stage, it would stop for exactly 3 minutes and move on.This routine facilitated people to get to work on time or home. If you missed the first train, you had to wait for the second train.
One particular day, I missed the first train and I opted not to wait for the second train, which would roughly take 30 minutes. So Me, my beautiful legs and my handbag, opted to use the bus but some of the train passengers whom we used to work with ,urged me not to use the bus and wait for the train, which I declined. So I used the bus that day and unfortunately,there was a huge traffic snarl up which made me arrive extremely late for work. My colleagues who opted to wait for the train, got to the office on time and they were stress free ,as I settled at my desk late with a funny look from my boss.
So how many times in life, are we impatient for something to happen and end up settling, for an option that backfires on us big time? In the book of Luke 18:8 I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” In this parable, Jesus was asking whether we will be waiting in faith,or busy doing our own stuff, when He comes to answer our prayers. In my real life illustration, I could hardly wait for the second train and this applies to most of us while waiting on God. We tend to give up on God’s promises so quickly, because He did not answer our prayers, the time we expected Him to. Most people end up being in the wrong place, in the wrong relationships and definitely doing what they can only endure than enjoy.
So why does it take time for God, to answer some of our prayers??
1.God desires us to have a personal relationship with Him.
Let’s be real here, no sugar coating gimmicks, people are after stuff but God is after a relationship. Maybe you are trusting God for a promotion, a spouse or an opportunity which is totally okay but on the other side, God is looking for something different than what we are looking for. He desires an intimate relationship with us. God will not give you everything you want, he will withhold some, so that you can cultivate a relationship with him.
2. We learn how to refine our request:-
Through constant prayer and waiting on God, we learn how to refine our request that is pleasing to God. We move from the mentality of pleasing people, to pleasing God with our motives.
3. We learn how to break barriers of weariness through constant prayer:-
When we are focused, God Positions us strategically for our breakthroughs. What do I mean, He positions us strategically!!!He works on our character and attitudes in our season of waiting.
Take note:- God knows the specific time He will usher you into your next season Stay active and Don’t be passive. Don’t tell God you’re waiting on him. Get involved in a ministry,get involved in service. Do the things you know you should be doing to develop your gifts and talents and become more like Jesus.
What to do while waiting on God??
1.Keep on serving God and His people :-
Romans 12:11
Says, not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord “Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically
2.Keep on believing.
2 Timothy 3:14
But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them,
3.Keep on praying.
Matthew 7:7
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
4.Keep on sowing.
Ecclesiastes 11:6
In the morning sow your seed, And in the evening do not withhold your hand; For you do not know which will prosper, Either this or that,Or whether both alike will be good.
Sometimes God works secretly behind the scenes but He is forever faithful to reveal His work in us when the time is right……
Sometimes God works secretly behind the scenes but He is forever faithful to reveal His work in us when the time is right……