Get ready and start!!!! This happens in all media studios. There are people who are always working behind the camera to give us the content we are always watching on our tv screens. Truth be told , we hardly know the production crew, all we get to see are the presenters, actors or actresses. From time to time, I have watched content which is well done, images are great and hello!!! the sound is always on point. It’s always interesting to watch a well done movie but have you ever tried to watch a movie which had poor sound, images were not clear or let me say, trying to watch news but the content is poorly done? You hardly have time to waste and you end up switching to the next channel as fast as possible.
I believe most of us rarely have patience to watch substandard production and coming to think of it , a lot of factors have to be considered to have a great tv show,a movie or a music album .People have to work behind the scenes in order for us to be entertained or informed through the media.
On this post, I’ll be focusing on the body of Christ. Using the above illustration, I want to illustrate an important aspect ‘We are all Gifted differently but working towards a common goal’. A common goal which is, God and the advancement of His Kingdom. In John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. This scripture clearly illustrates, we are connected to Jesus who is the vine and we are the branches. Jesus is our main source,we get every gift,every knowledge,every understanding and strength from Him to work as one in Him.
Never settle for the notion ”there is nothing you can do within the body of Christ’‘. There is so much you can do, with what God has deposited within you.God loves to see Christians working together while submitting to His will. Everybody has an amazing gift, which is precious and unique You may not have all together but you have something very special within you that you can work on in advancing God’s Kingdom.
Coming to think of it, God can use any plat form to convict a non-believer, to encourage the broken hearted or to heal the sick. Some people are Pastors,missionaries, some are street preachers, singers or Christian bloggers (like me
) , who are advancing God’s Kingdom on social media. You never know what is within you, unless you step out in faith and obey what God is instructing you to do.
God is not looking for a qualified vessel for the pulpit!!! He is looking for a vessel that is willing to be used of Him, regardless of where you are coming from, your past, your education level or let me say your social status. You don’t need a big confirmation Board written Start! All you need is to believe,obey God’s instructions + yourself and start where you are Now.
When we embrace our uniqueness in the gifts we possess, working together towards a common goal is always easy and fulfilling at the same time. Not everyone can sing, not everyone can write and not everyone can hold a microphone to preach but we can all work together towards a common goal, which is advancing the kingdom of God. Whatever God has graced you to do, even though it’s teaching in Sunday school, do it passionately with a clear cut revelation,you are the branch Jesus is the vine.
We will never be equal in our skills but we can be equal in the efforts we put, in whatever we agree to do, Team work always makes the dream work.Looking at the production team, there endowments are quite different but they all work towards a common goal, to bring out the best tv show, movie or music album. Don’t get intimidated by those making the shots, obey your master’s plan and trust Him with it.A mighty move of God is never birthed by much but by little. God displays His mighty power through the simple and small in the eyes of men , Take Note:-When we choose to stay focused in sharpening our gifts behind the scenes, God entrusts us with more
Take Note:-When we choose to stay focused in sharpening our gifts behind the scenes, God entrusts us with more
True that.We need Each other in advancing God’s Kingdom
Happy to hear from you Mordecai