God does not feel wasted when we make
our supplications known to Him and neither is
His virtue, His power and love, deprived
when we sit at His feet with issues
that seem impossible to us.
Walking along the coastal beach of Mombasa with my Niece in tow, I could not stop but reflect on the goodness of God. All manner of people were on holiday, some were swimming in the ocean, others basking on the sand, some were playing volleyball and others were just strolling. The Indian Ocean is huge and no matter the human population, no matter the human activities, no matter the climate change and no matter the pollution, it baffles me that this huge mass of water still exists and supports life from Creation. If this huge mass body of water still sustains life, what about God who created you and me, including the Heavens and the earth?
Let’s take a journey to the book of Matthew 15:21-28 (NKJV) Then Jesus went out from there and departed to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed. “But He answered her not a word. And His disciples came and urged Him, saying, “Send her away, for she cries out after us. “But He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. “Then she came and worshiped Him, saying, “Lord, help me!”. But He answered and said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs. “And she said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table. “Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
From the above context of scripture, we have a gentile woman who was desperate for the healing of her daughter. Her desperation provoked her to bypass protocol, to worship God amid her pain and her faith moved the heart of God towards her situation. Jesus did not promise us a life without challenges but He promised He will never leave us nor forsake us. Despite Jesus not giving her attention during her first supplication, she never gave up on making her request known to him. Yes, the disciples could not stand her presence, they could not stand her wailing and they were quick to brush her off and, in our time, people can easily brand such a woman, a drama queen.
This woman only depicts countless people all over the world, going through issues that they have ended up being mocked by people. They think God is not listening to their supplication and they have gotten to a place of accommodating a situation as being okay. But my Bible tells me, Jesus was silent but when this woman worshipped Him despite her pain, despite her shame, and despite her ridicule, He could no longer remain silent. When we worship God despite the pain, despite the mess, despite the disappointments and despite the hurt, we are acknowledging His Authority, His Might and He is God all by Himself.
What is your response and attitude when you keep knocking from a place of prayer but nothing seems to be changing? Will you worship God? Will you lament that nothing is happening?Will you throw in the towel or will you be crazy enough to believe that even the bread crumbs from the masters table are still okay?This woman response to Jesus is what got my attention when she said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table”. She was ready to receive from God whatever He had in store for her, because nothing goes to waste in the house of a master, including the bread crumbs. God will never be depleted by your issues; He is a well that never runs dry and you are not a bother to Him when you are constantly knocking at His door. Matthew 7:7(AMPC) Keep on asking and it will be given you, keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking (reverently) and (the door) will be opened to you.
No matter that barren situation you have been struggling with for years, no matter that child who is struggling with addiction and no matter that health situation, I want to submit to you, God has the final say and not people. Refuse anyone to silence you from making your supplications at the feet of Jesus and refuse any situation from taking the place of God which is worship. The disciples didn’t have the final say! Jesus had the final say. He is the ancient of days, He holds the universe in the palm of His hands, He is all-powerful and nobody should stop you from pouring your heart out to Him. He created you, He understands your pain and frustrations.
My Play List You Give Life Victoria Tunde
Just reverence Him right now
He’s moving in this room
He’s moving in this room
He’s moving in this room
He’s moving in this room
Cause You give life
And you are the one we call
You give hope
You’re there in our time of need
You give life
You are the one we call
You give hope
You’re there in our time of need
And you are the one we call
You give hope
You’re there in our time of need
You give life
You are the one we call
You give hope
You’re there in our time of need
Help me sing it
You give life
You are the one we call
You give hope
There in our time of need
You give life
You are the one we call
You give hope
There in our time of need
You are the one we call
You give hope
There in our time of need
You give life
You are the one we call
You give hope
There in our time of need
And we will say
That You are good
Father of life
We worship you
And we will say
That You are good
Father of life
We worship you
That You are good
Father of life
We worship you
And we will say
That You are good
Father of life
We worship you
And we will say
And we will say
It’s a simple declaration
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
It’s a simple declaration
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
And we will say
And we will say
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
I need you to declare it
In every inch of you body
In every inch of your soul
In every inch of you body
In every inch of your soul
And we will say
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
And we will say
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
And we will say
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
Cause you Give Life
And you are the one we call
You Give hope
You’re there in all times of need
Help me sing
And you are the one we call
You Give hope
You’re there in all times of need
Help me sing
You give life
You are the one we call
You give hope
There in our time of need
You give life
You are the one we call
You give hope
There in our time of need
You give life
You are the one we call
You give hope
There in our time of need
You are the one we call
You give hope
There in our time of need
You give life
You are the one we call
You give hope
There in our time of need
You give life
You are the one we call
You give hope
There in our time of need
And we will say
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
And we will say
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
And we will say
You are good
Father of life
We worship you
Father of life
We worship you
Father of life
We worship you
Father of life
We worship you
Father of life
We worship you
We worship you
Father of life
We worship you
Father of life
We worship you
Father of life
We worship you
Father of life
Father of hope
Father of peace
Our Father of Joy
Father of hope
Father of peace
Our Father of Joy
Father of life
Father of hope
Father of life
We worship you
Father of hope
Father of life
We worship you