How fast do you want that job, title, promotion, car, house, marriage or how long do you want it to last?? Is it for a life time or do you want it because you want it now!!! The current generation we are in today, most people want fast results, nobody is willing to go through process, they think it’s a waste of time, energy and resources.I’ll focus on the importance of process
What is Process:-.
(1) A series of actions that produce something or that lead to a particular result.
(2) A series of changes that happen emotionally, spiritually and naturally
Hearing the word of God doesn’t necessarily build the house, your faith (Acting on God’s word) is what builds the house. All buildings have foundations but how strong or high a building can go, is determined by its foundation. The deeper the foundation the stronger the building and the longer it takes, to be completed.Of late in Kenya, we have heard headlines in all media houses, of how buildings are collapsing and many people have lost their loved ones and left homeless. After thorough investigations,these buildings were built hastily with substandard materials because shoddy business men, wanted quick money from rental income.Out of greed and corruption they evade the correct procedures for putting up residential buildings.The whole procedure to make something complete is what i call PROCESS .
In the book of 1 Samuel 16, despite of David being anointed as King over Israel, he still continued to look at his father’s sheep. The wilderness was his training ground for his kingly assignment.King David never compromised to get the throne, even though God had already appointed Him, he waited until God elevated Him. Whatever you compromise to get, you will compromise to keep.You don’t have to compromise your standards to get something, be diligent in what you do, cultivate an excellent spirit like Daniel and see God promote you. You might look shady, like King David in the wilderness but honey! God is working behind the scenes.
It’s worth looking shady for some time and enjoy the fruits of diligence later, than look good for a moment and fizzle out fast like a shooting star.
It’s worth looking shady for some time and enjoy the fruits of diligence later, than look good for a moment and fizzle out fast like a shooting star.
People, money, fame, power will destroy you, when you fail to go through God’s process .Have you ever wondered, how some musicians hit the charts then after some time, you hardly hear of them? It’s solely due to, lack of Process in refining them for fame, money and power. Look at great generals who made great impact to the world, people like Martin Luther King, wright brothers, Billy Graham, Kathrine Kulman etc. All of them went through a process, to be able to impact people and fulfill assignment. Honey! It might take time but work on what you have.
Importance of going through the process:-
God works on our character and attitude
Process helps us to appreciate people for who they are
Process helps us to walk in faith
Process helps us to be grateful
Process helps us to be patient
Process trains us, to love people and accept them for who they are.
Helps us to hear God clearly and walk in discernment.
Sharpens our minds to walk in wisdom and in making decisions.
Helps us to appreciate what we have:-We learn not to take people or opportunities for granted.
We learn how to be obedient, towards God’s instructions.